Once known as Cleafurry Productions, I have closed down animations. This is museum of old sprite movies that you can sit back and enjoy.

Age 40, Male

Comedic Writer

Syracuse, NY

Joined on 12/22/03

Exp Points:
18,210 / 18,660
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8.21 votes
Pvt. First Class
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:D First comment! Very nice flash, cant wait to see the next one!

when do u think the next one will come out?

I'm not gonna lie, but an episode this long will take me, at most, a couple months. I've been working hard to finish this new episode, and considering lag times and obvious technicalities, it's a slow process. However with every episode will create more excitement and entertainment and I hold great passion for episode 2 because it's all about the game. It's getting me antzy thinking about it. I will have the next one done as soon as I can. Thanks for your interest! =D

I loved episode 1. I can't wait for Number 2! ;)


There seems to be a decline in sprite flash lately. You have a lot potential with this series and I expect it to be awesome and maybe getting its own collection on the series page.

Keep up the good work!

This is true. It's probably due to the fact that most sprite movies are looked down upon, mostly due to the lack of effort and creativity. Sadly my sprite movies aren't getting enough attention for this reason. I'm still going to keep going at it for a while and hopefully it will get some more recognition. Thanks for writing!

Hey, guess what Mutteo? I like playing video games too! How about making one about Pokemon? Or Final Fantasy Tactics, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, or maybe Castlevania in a DS version, if you make a magical NDS handheld system.

Do you like collect all video games?... I almost collect Nintendo systems. Just the ones I don't have are: Wii, GBC, SNES and Wii 2 (I think it's a remake but rumors has spread) that's all.

So! When is the Third one? I know your COMP. is damn slow cause I read it on your pprofile, try emailing me seung.seungpark.park@gmail.com.

So does Erica and Arty exists with you? I was just wondering if they're real people. Yeah, you're A.K.A. Matthew, looked up in "Mutteo in NES World Ep. 1", Arty may be retarded but he's funny... Did he lose all of his Brain cells?

Thanks for your comment. To answer your first question, I love Pokemon and Final Fantasy Tactics, and sometime I would like to make parodies of those. I have a list of about 30 different flash ideas, besides from Mutteo in NES Land that I'd love to do. In fact, I wanted to make some video game parodies outside the NES franchise with Mutteo, maybe even SEGA. At the moment, though, I have a set list of works going into next year of mostly MINL series. I want to get a few episodes out before I make specials like the ones you're referring too. These ideas pretty much write themselves. I love to make these projects, even if it means spending every minute I can making them.

When it comes to my video game collection, I have a few NES,SNES,PS,PS2,GBA, and some other misc. I mostly enjoy my emulated games. I play retro games, hacked games, and I even have a game design program, if only I wasn't so lazy...

I am currently working on episode three. I've barely started, because I was constantly fixing the first two episodes. I hate deadlines, since I can never fulfill them. I'm going to guess and say one month, maybe two months more. I really wish I can finish them faster, because I have so many ideas to spit out.

Erica and Arty, I feel, are like real people. Erica represents a stereotype of tough gals with attitude and Arty is the stereotype of air headed goofs. It's a simple character formula. It's kinda like I'm Spongebob, Arty is Patrick, and Erica is a bit of Sandy Cheeks and Squidward. Still, I like to think of them as real people anyway.

Yes, Arty does have a lot of brain cells missing, I think it's due to substance abuse. This happens to a lot of real life people I know. I love Arty, he's a funny guy, but I would NEVER want to do drugs EVER. It messes you up. Besides I'm weird enough already, XD

Phew, that's a lot of writing, but I'm glad you have such an interest in the show, it tells me I'm doing my job right. Don't worry about the series, sooner or later I will finish episode 3 and it will be the best one yet!

Thanks for writing.

Hey it's me again, there's something I wanted to tell you similar to my series! You know Arty right? Well I made my own drunk character, his name is Gnarald, he's about 12 years old and we certainly don't know why he drinks.

Then there's someone who's related to Shadow the Hedgehog. And his name is... Denji Nebutoro, he has the same moves but in additional moves like:
Chaos Needle, Chaos Beam, Chaos Blade, Chaos Ray, Chaos Hell Strike & Chaos Flare... That may be a lot of additional moves for Shadow but not for Denji!

And the flame warrior my step-brother, Pepperra Rark, who really is a saint just because were the best brothers ever! He can use the powers of flame so well! And you guess it he only chooses FIRE TYPE POKEMON and some fighting types as well.

And here's someone who's similar to Knuckles the Echidna, Zarah Knuckles! His strength is twice as strong as the other characters but can easily be dodged. He's only super fast if he digs through underground and strikes his foes with massive Earth Attribute attacks! And my little brother Ho Jin (I'll talk about him later on...) likes to pull a prank on him and when he does it, he gets chased and sometime later, Zarah gets his revenge. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!

I'm the one who's as like Sonic! Seung (short for Seung Jin) Park, I can do lightspeed attacks and I'm actually an Attributer of Heaven, sounds crazy but I'm usually the main character on my series. I have a made up girlfriend named Quin Annosia, and I have two cute daughters and two cute-faced sons! I'll tell you what their names are:
Hagumi Park, she is a kind hearted girl who seemed to be loving peace so much, but mainly she's afraid of to die from insane enemies like Death (Something like from Castlevania), she's only afraid of something that has to do with mutants and dark creatures.
Jamira Park, she's one silented girl who seemed to look after her sister Hagumi, for peotection. She has the job of Parivir (From FFTA2) and moves very quickly, she said something that encourages Hagumi. She's the prince and Hagumi is the princess, something that has to do with that.
War Park, my kind hearted son. He doesn't like it when you say to him "Hi cutie!" he will ask you to knock it off or will tell you not to say it again. But his sister, Hagumi does that over and over, but that doesn't bother his other brother, Crimson. He's a scientist, and he studies things to make sure what they are and what they do. Maybe add him to your series if you have an chance.
Crimson Park, he is a serious type of son of mine. Whenever War checks the enemy, he then now check its danger rate, seeing how dangerous the enemy is, we all know that a main enemy means big trouble.

"Phew", well I guess I can tell you more later then! I wonder if you have an NDS right now. Because I have mines and there's no one around. My NDS stays open and will be waiting for people to be online, and I will shut it off at 10:30pm. I may be my own artist, same as you. I'm only good at backgrounds not really people...

Well that concludes everything so tell me if you like it. And you don't have to write as long as you want, if you want to write it in specific! I hope Ep. 3 will be the best one yet! (Wonder who else will be in there besides you, Arty & Erica?) On Ep. 2, I really like the part where you go, "Poke your eyes" and the other, "Ehh... That's easy" then you jabbed the eyeball with a knife!

During that episode, I like when you sing, "The leg bone is connected to the... Ankle Bone. The Ankle Bone is connected to the... Heel Bone. The Heel Bone is connected to the... OW! Lemmie go my ear!!!" OMG that's funny as well!

I wonder why would Arty eat the dog biscuits thinking it's a cookie? Oh yeah do you have a real dog? Did he run off and kill Arty? I hope you did and what does Arty mean he doesn't know where he is? He's got one retarded brain there...

I'm not gonna ask you to make an NDS or PSP flashes yet, but I already added you as my favourite author! And let's see others... Dei Sama, Alvin Earthworm... I forgot the guy who makes "Luigi Two Lights' Hero".

Okay see you then Matthew! I like the front page of yours! Ciao my "friend"!

Another thing... Have you ever had any emulators? I have some emulators, they're like those regular gaming systems only on OUR COMP!

You can cheat the game without buying the Action Replay or Gameshark, the people who made emulators added the the hacking system so you can have infinite lives and stuff!

You can go to http:/<a href="http://www.emulator-zone.com">www.emulator-zone.com</a> for emulators!
Here's the best ones I suggest you download:
Project 64 = Nintendo 64
Visual Boy Advance = Game Boy Advance (GBA)
NO$GBA = Both GBA and NDS (Nintendo Dual Screen)
PSX = Playstation 1 (PS1, not PS2 or 3 or P)

Thats all it... But here are the websites you can doenload roms.
romsite.net (Roms only contained with NDS & GBA roms only!)
emuparadise.com (You can get multiples of rom there!)
doperoms.com (Usually I go for NES roms and sometimes others too!)
dohroms.com (This site makes no sense but usually some of them are hosted.)

I'm afraid that's it, maybe if you played them on your COMP. you'd probably would want to do this on your COMP. instead from a TV.

Oh, another thing is, here is a picture of my girlfriend of a Pokemon Trainer! Check it out man!

[IMG]<a href="http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr282/Aldermar/9108885260015bb9013013e8f180c5f6.png">http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr 282/Aldermar/9108885260015bb9013013e8 f180c5f6.png</a>[/IMG]

You might want to copy and paste it on the bar way top of you.
Okay, Matthew! Ciao for now my "friend"!

Ah... One question... Did you and Mippa worked together to make a one whole flash? I mean I was thinking the woman's voice was you and who's Mippa? That's the only reason why I was here for.
<a href="<a href="http://s492.photobucket.com/albums/rr282/Aldermar/?action=view&current=4d9f0bf251c24c16c6512b9314f9120d.png">http://s492.photobucket.com/albums/rr 282/Aldermar/?action=view&current =4d9f0bf251c24c16c6512b9314f9120d.png </a>" target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr282/Aldermar/4d9f0bf251c24c16c6512b9314f9120d.png">http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr 282/Aldermar/4d9f0bf251c24c16c6512b93 14f9120d.png</a>" border="0" alt="Seung"></a>

Hey I got a funny to say!

When you say that, "Because... VIDEO... GAMES... ARE... MY... LIFE!"
That's like me too! I said that during grade 3. Hahahahahha!

OMG! You are one hilarious guy! I wonder if you said anything else that sounds like me after. Probably you'll guess it.
<a href="<a href="http://s492.photobucket.com/albums/rr282/Aldermar/?action=view&current=48e8ca29e4f536e01e92c7ca70eb7846.png">http://s492.photobucket.com/albums/rr 282/Aldermar/?action=view&current =48e8ca29e4f536e01e92c7ca70eb7846.png </a>" target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr282/Aldermar/48e8ca29e4f536e01e92c7ca70eb7846.png">http://i492.photobucket.com/albums/rr 282/Aldermar/48e8ca29e4f536e01e92c7ca 70eb7846.png</a>" border="0" alt="Seung"></a>

Ginkies, That IS a lot of text. Well I figure I could answer all your questions right here:

1)Arty's mind is somewhere else with he eats the dog biscuit. He's always drifting off to some weird place in his head. I think what makes Arty different from Mutteo is that he lives in a fantasy while Mutteo wishes that he could. The dog, Pigglestein, was actually based off of a real Pug dog that I had a long while back. He was the cutest, fattest, pug. I just wanted to put him in the show as a tribute. So besides from me, Piggy is based off an actual living being.

2)I don't own a DS or anything beyond Pokemon Sapphire. It's actually been a long time since I got into the Pokemon franchise. It's changed so much since the last time I got into it. The last movie I watched was with Lucario. Man there are so many Pokemon, I remember how there used to be 151, lol. Anyway I mostly look into the older games and stuff. I tend to drift into my cartoons mostly to help motivate myself. Most of the ideas I get just come out of nowhere. I have no idea why the hobo launcher came to be. Sometimes stuff happens when you're not thinking about it.

3)Mippa was a voice actor I got off of the Voice Actors Alliance website after I got a note from a reviewer commenting on how Erica sounded like a drag queen. These first two episodes used to have my voice play as Erica. I decided to change it later on to make her seem more real. I love Mippa's work so far and I'm hoping she will continue to work with me. To answer your question, other than Erica's voice, I do everything else on this show. I write the script, I make custom sprites, I do the other voice parts, and I animate the whole thing. It's a lot of work, which is why my episodes take so long to make, but I just love the work that I do.

4)As far as other characters on the show, I have guest stars and cameos appearing on it sometime in the near future. I won't say who, yet, because I want to surprise everyone. I'm not sure if I'm adding new cast members, we'll have to see. I'm thinking I will, since I love to make characters.

Speaking of which, I looked at all those characters you wrote to me about, and I must say, you've got a lot of information for all of them. It looks like your series will be very adventurous. You should definitely work on that right away and submit it to Newgrounds. You know, I've noticed one of the best ideas I've seen with a huge cast of custom characters are several Sonic the Hedgehog Parodies. The authors redesign the sprites and they look good. Here's a link for a good reference in case you were wondering:


This guy has several episodes, actually, that have a bunch of custom characters. I haven't looked at all of them, mostly because I short attention span...

Anyway thanks for the comments. I certainly have never had such a devoted fan as you, other than the President of the MINL fan club.

Good luck with your series, I would like to see it. I just have one piece of advice to give. Never give up on your ideas, no matter what people tell you, and keep reaching for the stars. Yeah I know it sounds corny, but as Buzz Buzz says in Earthbound, "it is the truth, so listen!"

Umm... How or where do you get the Flash thing? I want to make one but I can't I don't know where to get the flash maker! Noooo! Yes I wan to make a flash episode but where do I download this data?... I tried to get it but no luck...
Help me please.

Unfortunately, the flash program isn't free. In fact, just the Macromedia MX 2004 costs around $90, and Pro CS4 is about $500. If you can't afford it, there are two alternate options:

1)There's a program called LiveSwif Lite. It's a FREE program that makes flashes. It doesn't have as many features that Adobe flash has, but that's a good place to start. I never used the program myself, so I don't know how it works. I assume it works the same way. Anyway here is the link(just copy and paste):


2)If you can manage to get some practice, they do have trial versions of many flash programs on their website if you wanted to see the difference. It's about a 30 day trial, I think.


Hopefully this helped.

Thanks Matthew! This will really help me make my own flashes! I'm going to make one with many sprites...

Uhm... Where do you get those Newgrounds Loader thing?

Anyways thanks for the link! Now I can get started on my newest project! I guess I neeed to know about... Music, Sound Effects, Voices & animations... *sigh* But I won't give up! I will still try!

I'll make an DS version if your series if you can accept it... But this does take a lot of practise, so I'll try to make a good one as possible. Okay, I think I'm ready to my what Ilways wanted! Thanks for the program! I hope Ep. 3 is the best!

They have all their preloaders on the download page right here:

http://www.newgrounds.com/downloa ds/preloaders/

You could always make a series like "Tails and his GBA" or "Mutteo in NES Land" My guess you'd call it "Seung enters the DS Realm" or something like that. You don't have to limit yourself to doing a series like mine. Go nuts with creativity. You can even do a Final Fantasy parody like 8-Bit Theatre. That series was pretty good. I saw some of your deviant art graphics and it looks like that the direction you're going.

My suggestion is to start making small flashes, just so you can get a feel for how to work the programs. You don't even have to submit them. Just browse the tutorials page to help you build some skills:

http://www.newgrounds.com/collect ion/flashtutorials

You don't need to have voice actors. The only reason I do is to make the jokes jump out easier than just using text. You can always find some people to help you voice act, if you really needed too. Also check the Voice Actors Alliance to get some people.


When it comes to music the audio portal here has plenty of songs to choose from. I tend to get lost in here, but it does have good pieces:


Last, but not least, the best place to get sprites is right here:


They even have some backgrounds as well. This should be some good resources to get started with. Anyway I got to get back to my work. I have a loooooong way to go.

Eheheh... Sorry about the long text man! (^_^;)

I guess I was a bit too much of a fan of yours! But anyways you can email me anytime! seung.seungpark.park@gmail.com

Nah, it's good to have a devoted fan, and if I motivate someone to create flash works of their own, then I think it's great. Just remember to keep your ideas fresh and new. Don't feel the need to rush, just take your time. Rome wasn't built in a day after all.

Hey Matt. It's been a while since I came here. I was going to make a flash but I got some ideas..... Do you have to add a preloader? I'm asking this because the others didn't really put preloaders on their flash but I decided to make mines auto-play.

This get's me to wonder..... You should join the DeviantArt! So far I only posted some of my arts. If you want to visit now you can go to this link!
<a href="http://www.aldermar.deviantart.com/">http://www.aldermar.deviantart.com/</a>

And yeah I know how to make animated avatars now. So easy but it is different than a flash maker program..... But it takes a few frames not much. Well come to think of it, I do want to make flashes about my comics in animated but I'll have to get used to the work of art. Technology is so complictaed thing. But I'll get used to it about 2 or 4 imes then I would make it perfect and make more as I want!

I'll probably let ya' know when I'm finished my very first one! Okay then, see ya' my good "friend"! (^_^)

Good to hear from you again. I was wondering how your projects are going. It's good that you're working at your stuff. Actually I am a little excited to see what you have to offer. I say this because I can tell that you are full of ideas and devotion, not like most of the other people on Newgrounds. Also, I enjoy watching sprite movies, and I like those custom sprites of yours, so I'm expecting it to be really great.

You asked me about preloaders. While it is not absolutely necessary to have one, there are two reasons why I think you should:

1)Some users on Newgrounds have very slow internet connections. If your file is big, it's going to be hard for them to watch the movie because layers wont be properly loaded and things will "lag" or slow down. Using a preloader allows the file to load without playing. As a result, user can wait until it's fully loaded, then they can watch the movie without problems.

2)Having a preloader on your movie makes users take you more seriously. If you don't have one on your movie, viewers may start to get the wrong impression and think that your movie might not be worth watching. I only say this because I check out movies in the portal, and most movies that don't have a preloader, end up getting blammed. Of course that is a small margin. Still, I think it's a good idea to have one.

I will be posting a deviant art page soon, perhaps after the 3rd episode. I am working on some drawings for the show, and as soon as I get an archive of stuff I will post them. I like chibi and anime type drawing styles and I think they're cute. My current project is Erica Benton. I'll let you know when that happens.

I am still very busy with ep3. I am still talking with Mippa about her lines. I want to think I'll have in done before December. Great things can't be rushed. Though I do have some great ideas how to make this episode good. I think it will be worth the wait.

Thanks, friend. Work hard, and keep in touch. =]

You know you can post flashes at DeviantArt. No joke. I saw Alvin-Earthworm's random flash and Thewaxx77's Sonic Shorts on DeviantArt!

I dunno if I can but at least that's where I can post my flash with or without a preloader. But I'm still learning how to post preloaders.

And in that case, are you allowed to make your own preloader? Because SMBZ has a different one and it has Mario hitting the Play box and items popped out.

Come to think of it. Is the next Ep. Megaman or Metroid? Anyhow I got my own Youtube account. If you want to make a 3-D Wonder Movie. You're going to have to take a lot of pictures man! While you're at it I'll go post some Avatars. Some animated ones.

Some visit again sometime! I'll be posting avatars. I can take requests from people. Only about avatars sorry. Heh, it's great to write with you Matt!

I'm soon to get the Flash program from my father and I can get started! Yippie!
I wanna put some of my favourite parts of Ep. 1 and 2!
Episode 1:
Mutteo: "This is going to be easy. I'm going to ride all the way to the end of the level! Uh, what the hells..... Ugh! How stupid are these animals?!"
Mutteo: "Damnit!!!"
Arty: >Munch, munch< >Invincibility music< "Whoa. I'm getting freaked out now."
>Bonk, bonk, bonk<
Mutteo: " H-Hey that's too close. Hey, Arty! Get away from me! ARTY! AHH!"
Arty: "Ahahahah, get it off me, GET IT OFF ME!!"

Lols loved that part!

Yes, you can make your own preloaders. It's just a little hard to start them. For me, I take the ones from Newgrounds and just edit them a little. A good practice you could do is use one of theirs and see if you can edit some of it without disrupting the coding. Until then, I think it's a great idea to put flashes on Deviant Art because you wont have to worry about getting blammed or getting bad reviews from people. Of course when you can, submit to Newgrounds, because that is where the publicity is.

Since you're such a devoted fan, I will tell you about episode 4. It is both Zelda games. You will also see some conflict between Arty and Erica so that should be fun. Megaman, I think will be in a few episodes and Metroid I am not sure.

Someday I will submit to Youtube. I wanted to get a video camera and blog there. I think I wanted to wait until I got more publicity from my episodes.

Anyway thanks for the support, and I will make sure to add many more jokes to add to your favorites. Laterz.

About Ep. 1. What was Arty drinking in the shop? Anyways.....

Here's you should improve:
The part at the end of the movie at the Toadstool guy you should add a horrifying music and add a girl screaming effects. That's a good edit.

And Ep. 2 I thought maybe when feeding a HOBO a drinky drink thing would giggle more than wiggling his head and legs. And the part where you launch an HOBO CANNON I suggest that you put a cannon sound effect from Mario 64. And make a fire sound effect while launch a HOBO CANNON, and make the HOBO cry not burp but maybe make a hilarious fart or something.

And the part where you see words. You should add a suprise look on your face while Erica throws the words away. And then do the lines.

And maybe add more than one skeleton when it comes to a "This bone connects to the toe bone" thing. And then make one says. "HEY, GIVE THAT WEIRD GUY BACK YOU CRAZY WOMAN!"

Yeah That's all I have to say. I really like the giddy part in Ep. 1 while you and Erica were like having a conversation about your NES. And I can't believe your dog was like popping out saying "marijuana" to Arty. It was hilarious at first. Okay, I hope Ep. 3 becomes the best! I may let you know about editing this again.

Ciao for now my good "friend"! (^_^)

Duly noted. I'll have to look into these. At the moment though, I'm terribly busy with episode 3, but I could consider these ideas. The only thing with these editing ideas is that after a certain number of votes, the file becomes uneditable, I think...

But it would be good to maximize the humor, especially if there was an obvious pop culture reference I could have used.

The liquid that Arty was drinking could have been anything, that's how dense he is. If you wanted to know though, it was an inside joke from Zelda's SoBe energy drink commercial.


The dog is a very interesting side character and you will be seeing more of him as the series goes on.

Anyway, back to the flash work, I have a long way to go.

Amazing series, keep making more :P