For any of you that have been wondering, Cleafurry Productions has been dusting the cobwebs that accumulated over the past 2 years. I just want to say that I never expected that I would disappear for so long and I did not intend to be the various animators who gone away in the midst of their prime.
Things went downhill since the 42 Boxes Project started and that was mostly due to the lack of participation in voice actors. To those who have been loyal to me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and your labors will be rewarded.
As for the other VAs who promised me work and did not commit, I somewhat blame the downfall of the project do to depression and angst. It's not so much that they did not give me the work they promised, but the countless emails and getting no returns, left me bitter.
In these two yrs, I have let go of about 6 voice actors, 3 of them were as the role of Liz. I also joined about 4 dead projects, so as you can see I have been very troubled and annoyed at the lack of progress. It is only recently that I finally got the missing lines problem solved and I am working on building up my confidence again.
I somewhat blame myself, as I was unable to fix the problems I encountered with certain inattentive partners. Still I annoyed a bit at the voice actors who did not commit. While I realize they are very busy people and I know how much work they do, at the same time, if you aren't going to act professional and at least try to contact your producers at all, then I say you aren't taking your work very seriously are you?
Maybe I'm a bit of a workaholic and take things way too seriously. I am at least working to clean up the mess. During that time I escaped to my artwork, and so I haven;t been giving my flashes any attention. Still it's time to get back to business and work on some new flashes.
42 Boxes is half done, and I need to work on the other half before that project is finished.
Mutteo in NES Land I miss very much, but I'm not sure when I will get back to that. Sorry to leave you ona cliffhanger guys.
No I REALLY want to work on other ideas too, because I'm constantly thinking. I'll try to work on my flashes more.
If any of my old fans are still fans, thank you very much for your patience. I also hope that some more people find my work charming enough to want to see more, even if it is sprites....
Thanks for listening.