Once known as Cleafurry Productions, I have closed down animations. This is museum of old sprite movies that you can sit back and enjoy.

Age 40, Male

Comedic Writer

Syracuse, NY

Joined on 12/22/03

Exp Points:
18,210 / 18,660
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Vote Power:
8.21 votes
Pvt. First Class
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Whoah..... I didn't see that coming.....

Mippa is busy and plus Dracula is huge and now Soma Cruz IS the new Dracula! Oh well. But this a continued part of Ep. 2 right? So many people decided to add:
"Mutteo in NES World Ep. 2; Part 2" but some doesn't really care about it. But it still counts as making an another episode or chapter. Or a new volume of it.

It's gonna be hard man. I hope you find a new voice character. And yeah some other flashes I think "Final Fantasy Daycare" Thing and plus "Final Fantasy Jailbreak" has a new voice character for the Fighter guy.

Well since I'm a guy but can't play as Dracula. I'll sound demented..... But you can add me but I might have to make a sprite of self..... Probably some other time. But you can voice act as me. I dunno how. I got no mic.

Well, I hope Mippa comes back to this again. Maybe find a girl who would take interests through public. Well. I can let you know if she's back.

Well see ya' soon! Hope you got tons of luck to finish Ep. 3! Good luck.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/217292">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /217292</a>

You might want to look through his series.....

Yeah I know Henry Jardim. His stuff is good. I've always been into the black mage and fighter stuff, particularly 8-bit theatre.

Yeah I suppose I could submit this episode as ep2 part 2, but technically ep3 focuses on Castlevania 1, while ep 2 is Castlevania 2. I guess you could say that they are two different franchises.

I thank you for you interest in helping, but yeah I can manage a girly voice myself, but it's too manly, I think. I'm going to wait and see what happens. It's okay if Mippa continues work with me or not. I'm still getting this series out even if it means getting a new voice actor.

If you ever do get yourself a mic or something, maybe sometime I could put you in a flash. I already got asked this before, and if I have some down time, I think it would be fun.


Two questions: A) That was an actual girl's voice? and B) Why don't you just ask the voice actors guild here? Hell, there's this one female voice actor who basically does all the female voices around here; her name is Rina-Chan.

Well the new edited version that I did with the first episodes is a real female voice actor, check the episode out in case you didn't check lately. I have posted in the voice actors guild, but nobody is biting. In fact the last time I did it, Mippa was the only person who auditioned...

If I can contact Rina-chan somehow, that would be great. I really need a good voice actor right about now. I'm really only good at male voice parts.

I dunno why but I'm happy. Not about making a flash but..... I finally get to have any type of Pokemon I want with my Action Replay! (^_^)

Yeah I know you're busy but this guy says he found a girl who will take her place. SO maybe she'll sound different but at least it's well worth it!

I can't frown for some reason! I'm perfectly happy like a clown! (^_^)

Okay I hope your 3rd episode turns out great! Okay I'll give some time off until Ep. 3 comes out. Maybe I'll visit once per week or maybe when I feel like it.

Okay ciao for now my good "friend"! (^_^) My quote "When it comes to say good-bye, I say, 'farewell my great friends'!"

Ooo! Can you tell me a way to contact her or if she could contact me? That would be so great appreciated! So far I'm not having any luck with my audition.

And why not, I shall use your quote "Farewell my great friends!"

KnightsoftheCircle seemed to know where she is but I don't think I can bring her here but maybe I'll try to but, I dunno how to access to this author stuff.....

Man I got get used to some stuff at at once a time. But Please see KnightsoftheCircle for some information maybe he knows about the FEMALE voice actor. I guess it's not so bad that he can tell you?..... Okay I'll try to get someone.

Ciao for now my good "friend"!

Yeah I know how to get in contact with Rina-chan, but I'm sure she's busy as well. I will send her a message in the future just in case if things don't work out. Afterall she does voice parts for everyone on Newgrounds it seems.

I guess I just want to give publicity to someone who's not as well known, and then to give them publicity. I'm sure there's a lot of unrecognized talent out there that needs the reputation.

Hey you got one..... In your Voice Aliance thing. But I think waiting for a week might be a bad idea or a good idea. I have no clue..... But I'll try to find a voice actor that has a pure woman voice.

Too bad..... Mippa's work of her voice seemed to help with your show!

I think I can email you if I find one soon as possible. So the deadline is DEC 1st, eh? Well then I gotta go find one quick. I'll probably may do this in a public..... But I'm not a good guy to be IN a public. I don't know these people..... Either from far away, USA, Japan..... ETC.

Hmm..... Maybe I'll try to find a specific site to catch their attention. See ya' Matthew, I don't want it to turn out to be a failure..... (-_-)

Ciao for now my good "friend". Hope I can get her to contact you.

That's very sweet, but you don't have to do that, especially if talking to people makes you uncomfortable. It was nice of you to consider it. Don't feel bad if you can't. Apparently it isn't easy to get voice actors. I'll keep looking though.

Hey, Matt. Whoa, as I checked in the Voice actor site I've seen tons of those people who would want to be in it! KEWL!

I guess you got lots of hope, right Matthew? Well I'm glad I don't really have to be in such public. And I'm not guy for public. Thanks.

Hoo-wee. I can guess that it'll be finished in a few weeks huh, Matt? I'd be happy now. Just now. And I am. (^_^)

Okay see ya' soon my good "friend"!

I'm pitching for December 10th, but like I said, I hate deadlines. If I don't finish by then, don't worry. It will be done before the New Year.

See ya!

Hahahah! Okay cool! Wow. I can't believe many woman wants to take part of your show! This could be even funnier than before!

I think I know why Erica has that speech bubble on like that. It needs a voice actor of a FEMALE, right? It would be funny to be speechless but not cool to finish off like that. Hoo..... And thanks for the tip of making a banner. It looked nice to me but I'll decide to change it when the time comes right.

Okay see ya' soon my good "friend"! (^_^) I wonder how goes your decision goes by..... Oh well.....

I guess it could have a double meaning. Besides from needing a voice actor, she could also be speechless looking at Dracula in person. Then again, do you think Erica would ever be silent?

Btw, Mippa-chan gave me a message. It was a mixup with the mail, but she has the script and she's working over the lines. I feel like a goof. Well now auditions will be for an available understudy, I believe. We'll see what happens. Thanks for the support.

I'd say good luck, Matt. I'll watch your flash again. Since I got nothing to do.....

Hahahah! They're so damn funny! I wanna see them anytime!

Gee, I wonder..... Erica will sound different than the last two episodes, will she? Well great to hear. I wonder you got the flash all set up. Here are the games you might take interests for your next flash. It doesn't have to be now but at least you might have good ideas to make a flash about them. For the NES.
~~~NES Games~~~
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda II
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Megaman II
Megaman III
Power Rangers
Super Mario Bros.
Castlevania II
Solid Metal Snake
Duck Hunt

Well that's all I know about NES system. I guess buying an SNES is better to try. But like I said, it doesn't have to now or later, it's just an idea.

Okay, ciao for now my great "friend"!

Hey, Matthew! Wassap? How's your flash coming?

I hope it's done sometime later..... And wow it's cold..... I don't really like the Winter that much.....

At school I always catch a cold there and back at home I feel fine! It's strange..... But I think school hates me..... Well, I'll see ya' later Matt!

Ciao for now my good "friend"! (^_^)

It's still in development. I'm not sure how long it will take, but for every day that I work on it brings it closer to being finished, so I haven't given up on it yet.

How about your flash progress? Have you tried out flash yet? I'm sure if you keep busy with that, soon enough mine will be done.

Happy gaming, friend.

..... I can't start a flash because I dunno how to start thinking on it. However, they said they'd teach me how to make flashes next year.

I'm meh too excited to wait that long! Oh yeah, meh DeviantArt is good as well!

<a href="http://www.aldermar.deviantart.com">http://www.aldermar.deviantart.com</a>

Hey, Matt. I dun see your flash yet. Are you going to post it before New Years Day? Because I'm so eager to see it! ^_^

Oh, yeah..... I was watching your flash and it was real funny! LMAO!

Okay then, I'll see ya' later man!

I'm not sure. I still have plenty to do on it, and I'd rather not rush. It's a big piece, so it's taking me longer than I thought. It's an awkward time of year I guess. If I can't get it in by then, I'm hoping sometime in January, then I can pace myself better on the next one. The work is coming along well though, so you should see a vast improvement. Laterz.

Mr Mutteo. This me again and I am informing you about my profile which I attached some random and maybe useful martial. If you need more ideas, send me a comment or a message and I will give you an idea.

Hey, Matt. Wow, it's been a while for your flash to finish.

I was so looking forward to it.

So, how long will the flash go for? Like 20 min.?

Yeah, this flash doesn't want to end. Here's the latest scoop. This episode has become too long, I was thinking about splitting the episode into two more parts and making episode 3 a filler episode.

I thank you for your patience. I know it's been way too long. I've been going through a lot of life conflicts. I do promise that your wait will be well worth it. I hope it will be done in March. I'll just have to pray for it to finish by then.

Ah, March 6 is the day is my birthday.

I'm turning 15 this year. Wow, so you're gonna make it so long that you're gonna split it in two more flashes?

Well, I pray for it to be done as well. :)

March 6th eh? Well I'll try to finish it by then. Yes, this cartoon is going to be interesting, so brace yourself. If I don't finish by then, I'll try to get it done asap.

YAY!!! =D

Mippa-Chan? Kewl.

Damn, Dracula is frickin' huge. LMAO. =)

was an awesome flash man. you just gained +1 fan points! bringing yo ass up to 6.745 fan points. Bitch slapped by jesus, sounds like a cool band name. heheh. Oh and if you need a male voice just hit me up. I'll be screaming into my microphone for the next 3 days anyway for my flash i'm working on. layte!

Hmmm, sounds good. I have an audition coming in a few days, so keep an eye out for my new post. =]

She threw the control bar, lolz.